Thursday, August 17, 2006

One Leg at a Time

Some famous person --- maybe Mark Twain or Harry Truman --- said that they got over being intimidated being around famous men because they always remembered that every guy puts his pants on the same leg at a time. I remember this line every day when I try to get my pants on and both legs go into the same hole! I did not always have this trouble...I'm old and my sight is I have LONG toenails like all old guys do. The long toenails are partially to blame when I'm trying to get my legs into my underwear. Invariably when my feet do get through, they are sharing the same hole. I am thinking seriously of cutting the crotches out of all my underwear...then I won't have to aim my left foot into the left hole, etc. Or do them one leg at a time like the rest of the guys.

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