Monday, September 24, 2012

Saluda Lifestyles - October Article


Our second daughter, who is now in her forties, was always an unique
child. She was so hair and a big smile. People often
mistook her to be a cute Eskimo.

Although she wasn't a fat baby, she was heavy. My wife and I would
laugh when people would try to pick her up. They really had to
strain. We just said she was "big boned".

When she went to school, she was taller than kids her age. She was
relatively thin during most of high school and college. But still the
scales weighed her heavy.

She is quite the sportswoman....swimming, volleyball, soccer. But it
plaqued her that she was always overweight. She would diet, but with
little longterm success.

The last time she visited us, she quite seriously confessed to me: "I
think I am a Viking. I am sure my DNA would prove it."

She pointed out that she had more than a dozen aunts and cousins who
were more than 6 feet tall. She was sure their DNA would show them to
be Vikings as well.

"I'm not getting on the scales any more," she told me. "I'm
concentrating on being healthy and happy. I'm going to be a Viking

I told her I thought that was a great idea. "Just don't start wearing
a horned hat like
the Vikings did."

She now swims every day, training for the Senior Olympics. When she
is old enough, she wants to be ready. And if they call her a Viking
Queen, she will be happy.

If you see a tall woman paddling a kayak on Lake Sheila (and if she is
wearing a Viking hat), it is probably her. Especially if she has her
volleyball team with her or
her cousins. They're all Viking Queens.