Friday, October 12, 2007


I admire those old MIddle Eastern women you see on tv.
They are always wailing their hearts out over the insane killings and bombings.
Sometimes they are wailing over the rotten fruit in the marketplace.
But the whole idea is that they wail when they are pissed.
I think we should have Wailing Walls here in America...
Someplace to go and wail when things don't go our way.
Maybe have one in every backyard instead of a plastic pool.
I would like to wail, and I would do it even without a wall
but it scares the dog and sets him to barking...and my wife yells
"Stop that wailing you crazy old man".
I suspect that wailing is quite healthy.
But I would do it over all kinds of stuff.
I wouldn't want to have family members killed
just to get in a few good wails.
I would wail if my morning newspaper got wet
and I couldn't unfold the pages.
I hate that.
I would wail if the lightbulb goes out on the stove.
(You can't reach the damn thing!)
Or if one of the kitchen flourescent lights goes out
and has to be replaced.
I do in fact wail when this happens.
Fortunately flourescents last for hundreds and hundreds of hours. 

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