Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Don't Trust a Doctor With Zits

Call me old fashioned...but I don't like young doctors. Especially when they still have zits. I don't think they know enough to be treating me. A young doctor bought my old doctor's practice. (Why do they call it "practice"? It's as if they are learning at your expense!) On my first visit, I asked the nurse if the guy was certified. She said she thought he was. But I asked to see his diploma. It was fresh...and he was fresh. He said, "You are way too fat. You've got to lose some of this weight." I told him it was "baby fat" but he said my records showed that I was 65 years old. But some people don't lose their baby fat when they are young. My old doctor never bitched about my weight or my blood pressure. I guess he was old enough and smart enough to know it wouldn't do any good. The New Kid on the Block uses a computer to help him diagnose illness. I went in with a hand rash...he made me put my hands up beside a computer screen and he kept calling up photographs until he found one that sort of matched. "I think this is it," he said gleefully. I told him I could get his computer program and could do the same thing on my computer at home. And "I think I could get rid of those zits of yours."

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